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"But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ." Phil 3:7 (NASU)

The Institute Of Biblical Studies (IBS) is a school without walls organized by men and women directors who are experienced in cross-cultural teaching and evangelism. Our experience helped us understand that the great need of newly established churches is for them to develop trained teachers and leaders. IBS utilizes men and women who have demonstrated sincere faith, and who are experienced in teaching the Bible, to be volunteer teachers for IBS. They teach students in their own community, so that no one has to leave his or her home and church work to go to a distant place to study.

Outreach evangelism is a major objective of the IBS program. The directors are active in arranging outreach to new areas. IBS instructors and students target villages where each student can preach the gospel and work to establish new congregations. We have seen great success from this effort to build faith through simple Bible study so that faith motivates the work. God's work is done through faith in the power of God.

The Institute of Biblical Studies presently is functioning in India, Nepal, Ghana, Bangladesh, Zambia, and the USA. We are planning to start IBS in other countries where there is interest.

The outline courses are translated into the native language and made available to the teachers and students. The operation of IBS involves developing instructors, providing oversight for the instruction program and outreach evangelism, supplying the teaching materials, and awarding diplomas in Biblical Studies to those who complete their studies

If you desire to have this study program set up anywhere, please contact us. You are welcome to download the teaching material for your personal use. Please do not sell the material. All work with IBS is voluntary. No one is paid for his or her involvement in this teaching program.